Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Effect of Cold Stratification with Different Burations on The Germination of Erect Crab (Eriolobıts trilobatus (Poiret) Roemer.) Seeds


Eğridir Forest Nursery 32500 Eğridir-ISPA RTA


Süleyman Dem irel University Faculty o f Forestry 32260 Çünür-ISP ART A


İstanbul University Faculty o f Forestry 34473 Bahçeköy-ISTA N BU L

FORESTIST 2007; 57: 45-48
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.84438
Read: 844 Downloads: 547 Published: 29 December 2019

T h e aim o f this study vvas to d eterm in a te som e seed ch a racteristics of E rect cra b (Eriolobıts trilobatus (Poiret) R oem er.). T he effects o f d ifferen t sow ing tim e an d cold stratifica tio n periods on em ergence p ercen tag e \vere investigated. 15 differen t trea tm e n ts w ere applied. A ccording to the resu lts of th e study, it vvas found th a t th e re vvere significant differences a t 0.001 p ro b ab ility level betvveen trea tm e n ts. P ercen tag e em ergence value w as the g rea test fo r “2 m ontlıs of cold stratifica tio n an d sovving on M a rc h 2” . D irect sovvings (vvithout trea tm e n t) on A p ril 2 an d M ay 2 h ad the lovvest em ergence percentages. 

EISSN 2602-4039