This study \vas conducted to exam ine the changes in physical properties of soils prepared with different m ethods in Kerpe (Turkey), in 1978. The site preparation m ethods were: 1) strip soil preparation (0-60 cm) vvitlı rippers m ounted to D 85-A 12 Kom atsu bulldozer (T l), 2) strip soil preparation (0-45 cm) (as gradoni terraces - bench terraces \vith 12-15 % reverse slope and 60-80 cm wide) \vith double pass o f a tined plough (T2), 3) com plete area topsoil preparation (0-30 cm) with double pass of a heavy disk harrotv (T3), 4) com plete area deep soil preparation (30-60 cm) with rippers m ounted to a Kom atsu bulldozer follotved by a com plete topsoil preparation (0-30 cm) \vith a heavy disk harrovv (T4), 5) control plantation plots cleared \vith a rake m ounted to a Kom atsu bulldozer \vhere no soil preparation operation \vas carried out follovring clearing of the coppice cover (0-30 cm) (C). Tvventy one years after soil preparation in N ovem ber 1999, soil core sam ples taken from different depth Iayers and \vere analyzed for soil texture, bulk density, total porosity, air-filled pore space, m axim um \vater-lıolding capacity, perm eability and m oisture equivalent. The results \vere com pared witlı those of two previous investigations performed at the sam e study site in 1978 and 1986. The results revealed that fine-textured soils clıanged to m oderately fine-textured soils in 0-60 cm depth layers o f ali treatm ent plots (except T2) in 21 years. The conditions o f soil bulk density, m axim um water-holding capacity, air-filled pore space and total porosity significantly deteriorated for the depth layers o f 0-60 cm of ali treatm ent plots (except bulk density and total porosity of C and T3 plots) in the period of the First 8 years (from 1978 to 1986). W hen 0-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-45 cm and 45-60 cm soil depth Iayers are considered separately, the coııditions of only the first three properties significantly deteriorated in the sam e period. Ho\vever, significant im provem ents occurred in the conditions o f total porosity and air-filled pore space for the soils in 0 to 60 cm depth layers of T2, T3 and T4; C, T2, T3 and T4 treatm ent plots from 1986 to 1999, respectively. The conditions of bulk density also recovered only for the depth layers of 0-15 cm and 45-60 cm, and the conditions of air-filled pore space recovered only for the depth layers of 0-15 cm, 30-45 cm and 45-60 cm in the last 13 years (from 1986 to 1999). Significant deteriorations vvere observed in the m axim um vvater-lıolding capacity during the rotation period of 21 years. No significant differences vvere observed in the conditions of m oisture equivalent and perm eability in 21 years. It is to underline tlıat the significant differences in conditions o f plıysical soil properties ohserved follovving the soil preparation vvith different m etlıods becam e non-significant after the period of first 8 years.