Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Flora of Igneada Fioodplain Forests (Longozes) and Thcir Surroundings


Southwest Anatolia Forestry Research Institute, PK 264, 07002, Antalya, Turkey


Faculty of Forestry of İstanbul University, 34473, Bahçeköy, İstanbul, Turkey


Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of İstanbul U niversity, 34116, Beyazıt, İstanbul, T urkey

FORESTIST 2007; 57: 61-89
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.72226
Read: 958 Downloads: 636 Published: 29 December 2019

Igneada is located on the Black Sea coast of northvvest part of Turkey, near the national border of Bulgaria. There are different kinds of vegetation types in a very narrovv belt in Igneada: fioodplain (longoze) forests vvith Fra.vinııs angııstij'olia, Almış glutinosa, Qııercııs robıır and Carpiııııs betıılııs, lıigh forests \vith Ouercııs fraiııetto, O. petraea, O. cerris, Carpiııııs orientalis and Fra.vinııs ornıts, Iakes, svvamps, sclırub com m unities and sand dune. At the end of this floristic study, 472 taxa and 291 genera belonging to 86 families vvere found in the area. 5 taxa belong to pteridophyta vvhile the others belong to sperm atophyta, ali of vvhich are angiosperm ae.

EISSN 2602-4039