Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

How stem defects affect the capability of optimum bucking method?


Bursa Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Bursa, Turkey


Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Faculty of Forestry, Kahramanmaras, Turkey

FORESTIST 2015; 65: 38-45
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.54455
Read: 1372 Downloads: 735 Published: 22 December 2019

In forest harvesting activities, computer-assisted optimum bucking method increases the economic value of harvested trees. The bucking decision highly depends on the log quality grades which mainly vary with the surface characteristics such as stem defects and form of the stems. In this study, the effects of stem defects on optimum bucking method was investigated by comparing bucking applications which were conducted during the logging operations in two different Brutian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten) stands. In the applications, the first stand contained the stems with relatively more stem defects than that of the stems in the second stand. The average number of defects per log for sample trees in the first and the second stand was recorded as 3.64 and 2.70, respectively. The results indicated that optimum bucking method increased the average economic value of harvested trees by 15.45% and 8.26 % in the stands, respectively. Therefore, the computer-assisted optimum bucking method potentially provides better results than that of traditional bucking method especially for the harvested trees with more stem defects. 

To cite this article: Akay, A.E., Serin, H., Pak, M., 2015. How stem defects affect the capability of optimum bucking method?. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 65(2): 38-45. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.54455

EISSN 2602-4039