Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Forest ownership in comparative law


Çankırı Karatekin University, Faculty of Forestry, Çankırı, Turkey


Istanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul, Turkey

FORESTIST 2015; 65: 46-58
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.48163
Read: 1397 Published: 22 December 2019

Efficient and sustainable use of forest resources depend on various factors. However, one of the most emphasized and discussed topics among these factors is forest ownership. Comparative law is an important way of analyzing and understanding legal systems of different countries, and identifying different aspects of the current legal systems. This study tries to analyze forest ownership with regard to comparative law. France for the ContinentalEuropean legal system, Great Britain for the Anglo-Saxon legal system, and Russia Federation for the Socialist legal system are taken respectively as a base. Thus, how right to ownership is evaluated in different legal systems and what are the main features of that are indicated. As a result, private forest ownership is common in the Continental-European legal system and Anglo-Saxon legal system while state ownership is common in the Socialist legal system. Prevalence of private forest ownership in the Continental-European and the Anglo-Saxon legal systems is also closely related to the previous use rights transferred into right to ownership. In addition, it is concluded regarding the historical process that many changes occurred on forest ownership types without considering differences in legal systems.

To cite this article: Birben, Ü., Güneş, Y., 2015. Karşılaştırmalı hukukta orman mülkiyeti. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 65(2): 46-58. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.48163

EISSN 2602-4039