Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

EvaIuation of Forest Smuggling Crimes and Smuggler Profiles in Turkey: A Case Study of Akyazı and Hendek


Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi 81620 Düzce


Trabzon Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü 61100 Trabzon

FORESTIST 2009; 59: 1-14
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.84381
Read: 801 Downloads: 569 Published: 28 December 2019

Untidy public-forest affairs is a very important issue in Turkish forestry. One of the most important indicators of this issue is iIIegal cutting and smuggling that threaten forests and lead destruction of forests. Akyazı and Hendek are two forestry administration units having more forest, especially smuggling crimes are compared to similar forestry administration units on country scale. In these regions, smuggling profile was evaluated in six different villages by means of public questionnaire including 107 people. According to the records of forestry administrating units, it was revealed that forest smuggling crimes have decreased in recent years. it was determined that the most important reasons behind those crimes are financial problems and demand for gaining "easy money". The study determined that 72,73% of people who involved in forest smuggling crimes in Akyazı and 64% of those in Hendek have never been arrested. Furthermore, 85,71 % of participants for questionnaire from Hendek and 65,52 % of those from Akyazı said that they will keep smuggling. 

EISSN 2602-4039