Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni Contents of Urban Soils in İstanbul


İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi, Orman Mühendisliği Bölümü, Toprak İlmi ve Ekoloji Anabilim Dalı


Istanbul U niversity, F acu lty o f Science, D ep artm en t o f B iology 34134 İstanbul

FORESTIST 2009; 59: -
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.04495
Read: 904 Downloads: 558 Published: 28 December 2019

In this study, 104 soil samples at deptlıs ranging from 0-5 cm and 20-25 cm vvere taken from 9 sanıpling sites vvitlıin the urban parts of İstanbul city and 1 site (control) outside of urban p a rt betvveen M ay and Septem ber 1999. Cd, Pb, Zn, Ni contents and some soil properties of these samples vvere determ ined. According to soil characteristics and heavy metal contents vve can conclude that the urban soils of some p a rt of İstanbul have started to become polluted vvith Pb and Zn. Analysis of soil samples slıovved the presence of Pb in ali of the soil samples at varying concentrations ranging from 24.87-445.6 mg kg'1 in spring 23.23-1121.20 mg kg'1 in autum u. In spring, the Zn and Ni contents in the examined soils vvere found betvveen 30.27-310.0 mg kg"1 and 12.27-36.20 mg kg'1, respectively and it ranged betvveen 57.36-528.11 mg kg'1 and 15.43-45.05 mg kg'1, respectively in autum n. 

EISSN 2602-4039