Original Article

Uses, Structures, and Biomass of Some Stands of Bambusa Vulgaris Schrad, ex J.C. Wendl in the Center Region of Cameroon


Department of Biological Sciences, Higher Teacher’s Training College,University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroun


Department of Plant Biology, University of Yaoundé I Faculty of Science, Yaoundé, Cameroon


Department of Forest Engineering, Advanced Teachers Training School for Technical Education, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon


Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resources Management Network (CSNRM-Net), Yaoundé, Cameroon


Olivier R. Tambo Africa Research Chairs Initiative (ORTARCHI), School of Natural Resources, Copperbelt University Kitwe, Zambia

FORESTIST 2024; 74: 53-61
DOI: 10.5152/forestist.2023.23013
Read: 620 Downloads: 339 Published: 29 December 2023

Our work aims to improve the knowledge of the various ecosystem services rendered by Bambusa vulgaris, one of the non-timber forest products with high conservation value. The study was carried out in Ekali I and Ballong II, two localities in the Center Region of Cameroon. A semi-structured questionnaire on the ethnobotany of bamboo species was administered to 150 people selected in the two study localities. The clumping-based sampling design was used to collect structural data for Bambusa vulgaris. In addition, its biomass was estimated using allometric models developed using the destructive method. The survey revealed that Bambusa vulgaris is used for construction, food, handicrafts, household energy supply, and agriculture and as poles for transporting electric wires. The average culm density of Bambusa vulgaris in both localities is 4733.67 culms ha−1 with an average number of clumps of 96 ha−1 . The Ballong II locality has higher structural parameters than Ekali, with 120 clumps ha−1 , an average density of 5720 stems/ha−1 , an average diameter of 9.46 cm, and an average height of 12.61 m. The biomass of the Bambusa vulgaris stands estimated to average 24.66 ± 21.50 kg ha−1 , with a coefficient of variation of 1.19%. Because of the pressure on this species due to its uses and role in climate regulation, it is urgent to think of a robust policy for its development and conservation.

Cite this article as: Fobane, J. L., Minfegue Bussard, A. C., Zekeng, J. C., Chimi, P. M., & Mbolo, M. M. (2024). Uses, structures and biomass of some stands of bambusa vulgaris schrad, ex J.C. wendl in the center region of Cameroon. Forestist, 74(1), 53-61.

EISSN 2602-4039