In Turkey, there are numerous architectural vvorks of considerable historical value. In nıost of these, wood has been used both as the nıain supporting element and as decorative elements. These wooden elements are used in determining the period in vvhich these buildings vvere erected or vvhether or not tlıey undervvent restoration. Dendrochronological methods are used in order to determine this on the vvooden elements used in Balkapanı Han. The result of vvood identification shovved that the vvood used vvas oak (Quercus L.) and that it vvas used in the years 1769-1774. This date is of majör importance since it succeeds the 1766 eartlıquake. The result of this study vvas also confirnıed by the Ottoman Records including the Information that the building suffered serious damage during the 1766 earthquake and vvas then restored.