The seeds of three larch species (Larix decidua: 28, L. leptolepis: 3 ve L. eurolepis: 2) from 33 provenances provided from several European Counfries were sown in Meryemana Research Nursery. The 1+1 seedlings were planted at five experimenta! plots between 1000-1600 m elevation range in the Eastern Blacksea region. Measurements vvere conducted on 12 year-old plantings. The highesî height grovvth and survival percentages am ong provenances vvere statistically determined. The mean height of 23 Larch provenances of four experimental plots was 5.14 m, ranging between 4.07 m and 5.75 m. The mean height of oriental spruce used as a control was only 1.52 m. The provenances numbered as 11, 1 5 ,1 2 and 8 were taller than the other provenances. There were no statistically differences betvveen the provenances in terms of survival percentages.