The firrns that airn the superiority in cornpeıiıion should give the customers the producıs with appropriate quality level and appropriate price. They should he providing cusıorner scrviccs arter purehasiııg the product. Today, with the resıılt of the quality controlling . the incrcase of the produet qualiıy is provided from the designing to the rnanufacturing. Total Qualiıy Management (TQM) airns to provide the futurc expectations of both the customers and the manufaeturers. Significanı changes can he observed in the companics tlıat use TQM. lncreasc in quality, incrcase in market share, deereaso in cosıs. increase in eflicicncy and the develement of custonıer satisfaction are so me changes. The del'inition and the development of tlıe TQM are given in tlıis article. The differerıccs betıveen the traditional managcmenı and the TQM, the aims and the physiology. the ainıs of success in applieaııoıı are also givcn.