The appearance, comfort, and function is important for furniture and building elements Turkish companies producing hardware for furniture and building elem en ts were examined using a questionnaire for thcir technical and economical characteristics, the materials they use in production, standards and the galvanizing methods they apply their, lcgal structure, and the quantity and qualilications of their employees. There are prcserıtly 129 companies operaring in Turkey. Forty two of thesc, represanting 75 % of the production, took part in the inquiry. Number of the employees in 17 of the m were more than 25 (Large companies), in 15 of the m betwcerı 10 and 25 (medium size companies), and in 10 of them 10 or less (smail companies). The amount of hardware produced in 1988-1991 period increased continiously, it seems that there are problcms the sector face, since it is not propcrly delined as a group of production, or industry.