Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

The Tawny Owl (Strix aluco L., 1758) Population in Belgrad Forest, Istanbul – Turkey


İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Orman Entomolojisi ve Koruma Anabilim Dalı, 34473 Bahçeköy-İstanbul


İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Meslek Yüksekokulu Av ve Yaban Hayatı Programı 34473 Bahçeköy-İstanbul


İstanbul Kuş Gözlem Topluluğu, İstanbul


İğneada Orman İşletme Şefliği, İğneada, Demirköy, Kırklareli

FORESTIST 2013; 63: 11-17
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.61147
Read: 1039 Downloads: 683 Published: 23 December 2019

In Belgrad Forest near Istanbul-Turkey we surveyed the Tawny Owl’s distribution, population density and habitat preferences. The study area was divided into 18 sample areas, which are 2x2 km. We located a total of 93 tawny owls (Strix aluco L. 1758): 34 pairs, 14 single males, 6 single females and 5 juveniles. Tawny Owls preferred deciduous old forest stands near streams and dams in Belgrad Forest. Also, their diet consisted mainly of Rodentia (93%) and a small percentage of birds, amphibian and insects (7%).

EISSN 2602-4039