The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibilities of use of the Vinestem vvood in particleboard industry. As the test material, nine experimental boards (20 mm thick, 550 mm vvide, and 550 mm long) were produced in the laboratory conditions. Experimental boards vvere made from three different furnish. The first group, second group, and third group vvere made of pure Vinestem’s wood (AA), surface layers Vinestem and core layer mixture of Pine + Poplar + savvdust (AKA) and surface layers Poplar and core layer Vinestem (KA), respectively. Result show that, AA group particleboard have !ower strength values. For this reason, industrial production of AA group particleboard is not suitable. Technological properties were higher in particleboards belonging KA and AKA groups than those in AA- Thickness svvelling values oblained from samples which vvere immersed in vvater for 2 and 24 hours vvere found higher for AKA group particleboard. Additionally, AKA group particleboard had higher strength properties than those of AA group, but lovver than those of KA group. ConsequentIy, particleboards of KA group had a good quality because of have higher strength values than other groups.