H ardw are plays great role on the appearance, comfort and function which are important for furniture. In this article, Turkish companies producing hardvvare for furniture vvere esamined io terms of their technical and economical characteristics, the materials they use in production, standards and surface treating methods they apply, legal structure and their policies in the foreign and domestic trade. 67 of 128 companies represent 80% of the national production vvere included wifhin this researclı.The companies which excluded were small sealed ones. 26 of considered companies were iarge, 24 vvere medium and 17 vvere small sized. Im ported hardw are brands, foreign trade companies and their represantatives vvere determined in this researeh. The production amounts and foreign trades betvveen the years 1996-2000 regarding to the produet groups vvere determined and given in tables. The main problem fouınd for the sector derives from its being undefined as a group of production or industry. The follovving recommendations vvere made: First of ali the denniton of sector m ust be given and its place in the production industry must be determined, higher level of technology and produet qualify should be established, special designs and products for specials brands should be prepared, produetivity should be increased,dissemination of the information, guidance and support should be provided, financial resources should be developed, integration of main, side and sub industry should be maintained, common marketing systems should be forıned, support and improvement of the cooperation betvveen the companies and e-trading should be provided.