In this study, some physical properties of Istranca oak (Quercııs hartwissiana Stev.) vvood vvere investigated. For this purpose, samples vvere prepared from S trees from the Macara region, Demirköy district, and studied for its physical properties. According to the tests results, the average annual ring vvidth vvas 2.56 mm, the airdry density 0.711 g/cm3, the ovendry density 0.674 g/cm3, the density value in volüme 0.582 g/cın3, the volüme of celi vvall 44.95% , and the volüme of air spaces 55.05%. The ratio of radial, tangential and volumetric slırinkage vvere 5.2%, 9.3%, and 14.5%, respectively. The fiber saturation point vvas 24.9% and the maximum vvater content vvas 105.2%.