Original Article

The Integration of Cultural Ecosystem Services and Cultural Routes Based on the Sharing Paradigm


Department of Landscape Architecture, İnönü University, Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Malatya, Turkey

FORESTIST 2023; 73: 70-84
DOI: 10.5152/forestist.2022.22007
Read: 1029 Downloads: 427 Published: 25 August 2022

Cultural ecosystem services are ecosystem services developed on landscape aesthetics as the basis of recreation and tourism. The sharing paradigm produces the possibility of integration of the economic, spatial, and social contexts of cultural ecosystem services with cultural route planning. This study focuses on how to develop a good relationship between ecosystem services, which are named as the earth’s aggregative by the sharing paradigm, and the cultural routes that put our aggregative into circulation globally. In this context, route-planning setup is suggested as a conjoint tool between ecosystem services and tourism. The aim of this study is to develop a design setup with an analysis technique to determine cultural routes with an ecosystem services approach at the provincial scale of Malatya and to evaluate the developed route set up within the scope of sharing paradigm. This study can raise awareness of connecting ecosystem services with sustainable tourism for the quality of human life and the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, it is a guide on how awareness can be integrated into the tourism planning process. The method of the research has based on determining cultural ecosystem values, clustering cultural ecosystem values and the realization of the route setup by using the corridor and network analyzes in the Geographical Information Systems software. For each action to provide a curative and supportive cultural ecosystem service, the interconnectedness between actions needs to be evaluated based on knowledge, on the ground
plane, and on the possibility of benefit.

Cite this article as: Görmüş, S., Yılmaz, B., & Cengiz, S. (2022). The integration of cultural ecosystem services and cultural routes based on the sharing paradigm. Forestist, 73(1), 70-84.

EISSN 2602-4039