Foresıs, which are renewable natural assets, are formed by the gaıhering of a large number of living and non-living creatures. However, this formation is not a random mass, but a whole, a system. When making use of the forest ecosystem for various purposes, care must be taken not to spoil the forest structure. To achieve this, forests must be used according to forestry techniques. In other words. certain rules and techniques mu st be followed when transportation and harvcsting forest products lo give the least possible damage to the planted trees, youth, forest soil and forest products. In today's world where it is possible to use even the smallest crumbs of wood as raw material in industry. it is a real wastage to cause losses in quality and quantity during transportation and harvesting due to various reasons. The way of applying transportation and harvesting techniques has a significant effect on both the quality and the quantity of finished products. In this article, losses that occur during transportation and harvesting of forest products are deseribed and information is given about the application of transportation and harvesting techniques.