In order to meet the public needs for raw wood maıerial, as well as to ensure reaching products of higher quality to the buyers in the shortest possible time, the methods of ıimber haulage ernployed in forests have been adapted to present technological developments. The tirnbcr haulage operations have been developed parallel to the advances accornplished in mechanization and ensured the perforrnance of haulage operations wiıh increased safeıy. As a resulı. it has been possible to transport the hauled timber without any loss in quality and quantity.
In developed countries. transport of forest products. foresı-producı industries and Iorestry practices are applied by making best use of advanced technologies. In other words. all operations start with the cutting of trees in forest and continue with haulage of logs. stripping the bark. cutting logs into timber. and loading. transporting, unloading and pilling of tirnber are performed entirely by use or machinery. In this paper. ıechnical properties of hauling equipments operated in the forest area on Turkcy's are prescnıcd with the comparison of processor used in worldwide.