In this study, some physical and mechanical properties of Q.vulcanica wood, an endemic species with unknown technological properties has been imvestigated. According to the results annual ring vvidth was 1,64 mm, öven dry density 0,654 g/cm3, air dry density 0,695 g/cm3, density value in volüme was 0.563 g/cm3, svvelling was 4,35% in radial direction and 9,51% in tangential direction, shrinkage \vas 4,7% in radial direction, 8,89% in tangential direction, hardness(N/mm2); cross section 60,602, radial section 42,794, tangential section 44,compression strength 55,867 N/mm2,bending strength 113,014 N/mm2,modulus of elasticity in bending 10785 N/mm2, imnpact bending 0,465 kN/cm,shear strength 7,382 N/mm2,tensiIe strength perpendicuiar to grain 3,84 N/mm2 were found.