
t.Ü . Orm an Fakültesi Silvikültür Anabilim Dalı

FORESTIST 2002; 52: 1-26
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.80722
Read: 829 Downloads: 626 Published: 27 January 2020

In this study quantity and quality variations of Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana according to the years, elevational belts, age categories and silvicultural treatments together with its annual periodical dispersal at DursunbeyAlaçam between the years of 1972-1978 were investigated. Eleven sample plots from two different elevational belt and three age categories were chosen. Moderate and intensive silvicultural treatments were applied to two of the three sample plots of each age category (55-65; 120-130; 140-150) at upper belt (1430-1510 m) which were in the first or near the upper limit of second site classes. In this belt another sample plot of fourth site class in 140-150 age category, and at middle belt (830) a sample plot in first site class and 55-65 age category were also chosen. 25 seed traps were systematically placed with 10 m intervals in each sample plot (50x50 m). Seed traps were emptied 5 times a year. In this way the annual periodical rhytm of seed dispersal was follovved. M oreover, by counting of full and empty seeds the seed quality was determined. According to the findings it could be possible to expres that good seed years may occure in 4-5 years and 2-3 years intervals at upper and middle belts, respectively. At upper belt (1430-1510 m) minimum seed crop \vas obtained at 55-65 age category, while seed crops of 120-130 and 140-150 age categories were altered as maximum or medium according to the years. Seed crop of middle belt (830 m) vvas nıaximum in ali years of investigation. Except two years, in general, the lowest quantity seed crop vvas recorded at sam ple plot of fourth site class in u pper belt vvithout good and nıedium seed years. Seed productivity of ali populations, in general, shovved the sam e pattern form year to year. As total average the m axim um seed shedding occured in A pril (37%). Tlıis is follovved by January-F ebrııary period (36% ),‘M ay (19 %), Ju n e (6 %) and July-D ecem ber period (3%). The percentage of empty seed \vas 29% as the total average of ali sam ple plots and ali years. The average em pty seed percentage vvas the lo\vest (19%) at the m iddle belt and the highest (45%) in the sam ple plot of the fourth site class a t the higher belt. Iıı good seed years, in general, the lowest em pty seed percentages vvere recorded. The lowest em pty seed percentage vvas obtained a t 55-65 age çategory (26%), wlıile the values were ııearly equal at the 120-130 (35%) and the 140-150 (34%) age categories. Tiıe research results suggest th at in ali years (1972-1975) and iıı ali sam ple plots, in general the average em pty seeds p ercentages vvere lovver at good seed years.

EISSN 2602-4039