The aim of this study was to quarıtitativcly assess the height growth as related to foliar nutrient cunccrıtrations in "il/us brutia trees grown at the Izmit-Işıktepc afforestation sitcs, For this purpose 12 Pinus brutia starıds of 25 years of age wc re seIcctcd for sampling. Foliage samples takeri from 3 dominant or co-dominant trccs on cach plot werc analyscd for the elements :\, r, K, Ca, :VIg,:\a, Zn, Fe, Cu and :\'ln. The multiple regression analysts demoııstrated that % 87-93 of growth variatioııs iıı top heights (H02S ) is caused by 10 parameters. These wcrc wcights at 100 needles, concentrations of X, P, Ca, :\1g and :\'ln and coııtcnts of X, P, K, ;\,111 iıı 100 necdles.