Original Article

Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change Through Agroforestry: Case Study of Small-Scale Farmers in the Northwest Region of Cameroon


Department of Forestry, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

FORESTIST 2023; 73: 11-20
DOI: 10.5152/forestist.2022.22031
Read: 1412 Downloads: 684 Published: 18 October 2022

Reducing vulnerability to climate change is fundamental if small-scale farming systems across the world are to address current and predicted climate change. With small-scale food production systems satisfying over half of the world’s nutritional needs, ensuring their sustainability in the face of adverse climatic conditions is vital. This study examined the contribution of agroforestry systems in reducing vulnerability to climate change among small-scale farmers. The study made use of a mixed method approach consisting of household surveys, inventories, and direct field observations. Findings revealed that climatic variations have been extreme, and small-scale farmers adopt different systems of agroforestry in order to avert risks from recurrent climatic extremes. Agroforestry’s ecosystem services (food, fuelwood, building materials, income generation, shade, windbreak, erosion control, soil fertility improvement, medicinal products, pollination) were frequently cited by small-scale farmers as aiding in the reduction of vulnerability to climate change. Correlation and regression coefficients revealed a strong inverse relationship (p < .01) between small-scale farmers’ vulnerability to climatic changes and the practice of agroforestry, indicating that agroforestry contributes significantly in reducing vulnerability to climate change among small-scale farmers. Thus, we recommend that existing agroforestry systems should be intensified and new agroforestry technologies should be introduced in order to aid small-scale farmers reduce vulnerability to climate change.

Cite this article as: Awazi, N. P., Temgoua, L. F., Tientcheu-Avana, M-L., & Tchamba, M. N. (2022). Reducing vulnerability to climate change through agroforestry: Case study of small-scale farmers in the northwest region of cameroon. Forestist., 73(1), 11-20.

EISSN 2602-4039