Many rescarehes have bcen cornpleted with Maritime Plne tPiııus pinaster Ait.) which is a fast growing tree species, in Turkey. The results of these investigation revealed that Corsican origin of Marttime Pine eould be uscd in the plantations, and this origin has becn used in large areas in the plantation practicc of the eountry. Moreover this spcclcs suggested for the plantations of costal dunes of the Meditcrranean Turkey. According to the results of this investigation, the Corsican origin was found the fastest growing orgin among the provenances whieh were included in the experiment, atage uf 17. The d.b.h and hclgbt growth of this Corsican origin was also slightly bettcr than the Urnbrclla Pine (Pinus pinea L.). Howcver, according to the observations, trees (if Umbrclla Pine had Iittlc stern taper and better stern quality. Morcover, in addition to its timber production, the valuable sccondcry product of ediblo seeds of Umbrella Pine which is an exportable good is one of the other adventage of this spccies for its plantations on costal dunes of Mediterranean Turkey, from the economical point of vlew, Other reeomendations wcre also made considering the results of the lnvestigation.