Prof. D r. İlhan G ülen jo in ed the Faculty of F orestry, U niversity of İstanbul on 7.6.1950 and retired in 1.7.1992. D uring his career at the Faculty for 42 years, he was elected as Dean for the Faculty, appointed chairm an of the D epartm ent of Forest E ngineering and head o f the subdivision of Forest Economics in various tim es. Besides these post activities he had rcpresented the Faculty of Forestry at the Senate o f the University an d at the Scientific Studies Institute Counsih Prof. D r. İlh an G ülen had visited E ngland, U nited States of A m erica, G ernıany a n d A ustria in differemt years. ' P rof. D r. G ülen had w ritten m any books, articles, p ap ers an d rep o rts on m any different subject n ıatters during his academ ic life. Prof. D r. Güleli w ith his infelligence, wide culture an d practical approaches in sorting out the adm inistrafive and scientific problem s is ahvays taken as a refereece point. He had taught m any students an d scientists.