Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Possibilities for Afforestation of Strandja Mountain Conifers


İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi, Orman Mühendisliği Bölümü, Orman Amenajmanı Anabilim Dalı, 34473 Bahçeköy/İstanbul

FORESTIST 2013; 63: 51-68
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.25299
Read: 862 Downloads: 611 Published: 23 December 2019

The objectives of this study focus on opportunities for forestation of Strandja mountain conifers. Studies include: 2 experimental ecological studies include: 2 experienced environmental cultures of ordinary fir, 8 experienced cultures of black pine, 2 experimental crop of white pine, an experimental crop of Douglas, an experimental culture of veymut pine and maritime pine; cultures of ordinary Come, 8 experienced cultures of black pine, 2 experimental crop of white pine, an experimental crop of Douglas, an experimental culture veymut pine and maritime pine; created in the period from 1949 to 1976 within 7 forestry enterprises in the Bulgarian part of Strandja Mountain. For seedlings of Ecologic experimental cultures (OEK) of ordinary fir are used eight natural habitats of different origin in Bulgaria. For planting the test crop of pine have been used 2 local origins and origin “Corsica”. Other conifers origin is unknown. The results of annual measurements and historical data are statistically processed and compared with their growth data from tables. Analysis of results showed that the most promising from an environmental and economic point of view is black pine. It keeps your productivity to high age and can be a source of construction timber. The good tolerability of black pine in terms of Strandja Mountain, confirm the assumption that it is most suitable for reconstruction of degraded forests of oak and beech eastward. The development of this kind is limited only by the frost, heavy rainfall from the wet snow and prolonged droughts. Damage from these meteorological and climatic phenomena occur predominantly in clean and large size plants located in valleys with northeast exposure. In terms of fresh and medium deep soil 60-year pine plantations show growth from first and second productivity class likely to maintain high productivity in the future. Experienced by all environmental cultures established in Bulgaria, the best show the development of cultures come in Strandja Mountain. However differences in the growth of different origins show the importance of individual selection in this tree species. Once again proved that the size of the cone, the absolute weight and germination of seeds cannot be used as criteria in forestation. There are reasons to argue that one reason for superior growth of one of the origins (Abies alba var. Acutifolia Turill.) Is intogresive hybridisation between Abies alba Mill. and Abies cefalonica Loud. Of habitats similar to those of black pine, maritime pine shows good progress and is promising for the Strandja Mountain. To be protected from wet snow is recommended to use in mixed deciduous trees. Veymut pine showed resistance to wet snow, winter frosts and summer droughts. It is a promising area for research. It is only recommended in mixed deciduous trees. Douglas showed good growth, but in a heavy clay soils is sensitive to frost and wet snow. Unlike Douglas, veymut pine tolerated wet snow, freezing temperatures and summer droughts, which make it a promising species for this region. Although maritime pine is very productive, he suffered severely from frost and wet snow. Most suitable for the conditions of Strandja Mountain was white pine. This species does not tolerate summer drought, heavy clay soils and is susceptible fungal pathogens. After 10-15 years of age stands of white pine occur disturbances of physiological and pathological nature. The final results are analyzed and discussed, and then made specific proposals on the preferred tree species. At the same time gives recommendations for the establishment and cultivation of conifer plantations for various business purposes.

EISSN 2602-4039