Ips sexdeıılatııs (Boern.) is an im portant pest on spruce forest in E astern Black Sea Region. D ifferent control methods have been used to controi this b a rk beetle for many years bu t results w ere not very satisfactory. In this study, the biology of I. sexdentatus was studied and its ten parasites and fortysix p red atö r insect species w ere identified. Effectiveness of the predators in the biological control w ere also evaluated by the calculation of population density of each predatör. Thanasim us form icariııs (L), Rlıizophagus dispar (Payk), Plaiysonıa oblongum (F), Corticeus ııııicolor (Pili, and M itterp.) and Rlıizophagus depressus (F) w ere found to be relatively m ore effective in the contol of I. sexdentalııs than others. In the region, Coeloides spp. and Deııdrosoter m iddendorffii Ratz. \vere the m ost ab u n d an t parasite species as well. These predators and parasites can be used to keep the population of I. sexdentatus at less harm ful level both economically and ecologically.