İN D İV İD U A L T R EE G R O W T IIIN T H E U N EV EN -A G ED O R IEN TA L BEEC II (Fagııs orientalis Lipsky.) FO R ESTS


İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi, Orman Hasılatı ve Biyometri Anabilim Dalı

FORESTIST 2004; 54: -
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.97525
Read: 915 Downloads: 622 Published: 01 July 2004

Increm cnt and grow lh relations in the uneven-aged forests are investigated in t\vo sections on the base o f individual tree and forest stand. In this study, increm ent and grow th o f volüm e and volüm e elem ents of individual trees in uneven-aged oriental beeclı forests has been investigated according to different site qualities and social classes and grow th periods. Besides, the m ethods w hich \vill be able to be used in the determ ination of site (juality classes and suppression degrees on individual trees in uneven-aged oriental beech forests have been presented as w ell. Research m aterial has been taken from 4 tem porary sam ple plots \vhich have 0.25 lıectare horizontal area and have been selected from norm ally covered uneven-aged oriental beech forest stands in Bursa and Zonguldak forest region directorships. In the sam ple plots, 9 sam ple trees w hich have been sam pled according to the different social classes and grow th periods have been cut in 2 m sections stem analysis. A fter average 80-100 years suppression period, beech trees can significantly increase the periodical increm ents of diam eter, lıeight and volüm e providing that supression is not present. 

EISSN 2602-4039