Original Articles

Identification of Indicator Bird Species in Vize and Saray Forests of Northwestern Türkiye


Department of Forest Engineering, İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Institute of Graduate Studies, İstanbul, Türkiye


Department of Forest Entomology and Protection, İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul, Türkiye

FORESTIST 2025; 75: 1-10
DOI: 10.5152/forestist.2025.24069
Read: 76 Downloads: 63 Published: 03 March 2025

Studies of forest birds are very important for sustainable forest management and biodiversity assessment processes. The identification of indicator forest bird species is also important to provide a basis for biodiversity, species, and habitat conservation studies and the monitoring of sustainable forest management activities. This study was carried out in Vize and Saray forests, located in the northwest of Türkiye, to identify indicator forest bird species. A total of 24 different sample plots from 11 different stand types were surveyed using the 500 meters transect count method. Bird species and environmental factors were recorded for 15 months at each sample site. Association, cluster and TWINSPAN analyses were performed by converting species abundance values to presence/absence data. To determine the most appropriate grouping method, multi-response permutation procedure analysis was applied to the grouping analyses. As a result of the multi-response permutation procedure analysis, the two-group clustering analysis obtained using the Euclidean Ward’s method was determined to be the most appropriate group. Indicator bird species were then identified for both groups using an indicator species analysis. The first group of relatively mature stands included Sitta europea, Certhia brachydactyla, Poecile palustris, Picus canus, Certhia familiaris, and Dendrocopos major; the second group of young stands included Streptopelia turtur, Luscinia megarynchos, Oriolus oriolus, Lullula arborea, and Caprimulgus europaeus species. Structural parameters such as stand age, closure, and gap ratio, which reflect species preferences, were effective in discriminating between groups.

Cite this article as: Bilgin, S., & Arslangündoğdu, Z. (2025). Identification of indicator bird species in Vize and Saray forests of northwestern Türkiye. Forestist, 75, 0069, doi: 10.5152/ forestist.2025.24069.

EISSN 2602-4039