Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)


FORESTIST 1981; 31: 43-47
Read: 1005 Downloads: 493 Published: 26 February 2020

N atural F orest area of Iı*aq occupies a wide crescent lying along the north and vnorth - east, boundaries Turkey and Ira n wlthin. approxim ately the range of ,1atitude 35.0° and 37° 20' N and longitude 42° 20' and 46° 20' E. Their Southern and w estern lim it could be delineated roughly by a line from Zakho district in the nortnem plain passing through Dohuk district, A gra, A rbil plain and the point nvhere Uie m ountain ranges cross the Iranien border near H orin shaikhan, this great crescent carries approxim ately 1,8 million ha.; of fo resf exclıiding A hrâsh forest kvhich lie s o n the banks of tvvö great historical rivers Tigris and Euphrates. The forest are a constdtutes about 4 % of the 'to ta l area of Iraq ».vhich is about- 438 sq. Kms. 

EISSN 2602-4039