Derleme Makale (Review)

Forests Etymology in the Turkish language


M.Sc. Architect, Istanbul, Turkey

FORESTIST 2015; 65: 69-79
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.33361
Read: 1465 Downloads: 713 Published: 01 July 2015

Since Turkish life has started in the forests of Siberia owns rich vocabulary related to forest life. That rich vocabulary is being transferred by The goddes “Sky God religion” of the Turkish-Mongolian shamans to every far end of geography . "Oraman" i.e.forest word is closest pronounciation of the Turkish word “Orman” . The etymology of the word “forest: orman” is not the plural of the word “tree/ağaç” even forest composed of “tree”.To understand the relation of the words “ağaç” with “orman/oraman” authentic living culture of shepherds should be studied. In the Altai-Turkish language “orak = sickle” word derived from the base word of “or” as to reap and is considered to be a root. In the year 762, Uighurs accepted Mani religion is thougthed the legend of the “wolf birth” myth is transformed to “wood nativity” and The Uighur sages and shamans who were keeping the records of Mongolians have imigrated to Azerbaijan and the Near East together with Mongols. The deep beliefs of Uighurs related to the tree and divine ligth relatives and neighbors in people (Ahl-e Haqq communities) continuity, forest-rate bond in Bremen is a signal. Oraman Arabic writing and spelling is the same in the forest. And the absence of vowels in Arabic inscription written in the language of public education away from “forest: orman” word, as unregulated “oraman” should be changed to the word. 

To cite this article: Küçükkalfa, A., 2015. Orman-Oraman etimolojisi üzerine. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 65(2): 69-79. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.33361

EISSN 2602-4039