Examination of design criteria in pedestrian bridges: Sample of Trabzon City


East Blacksea Forestry Research Institute, Trabzon, Turkey

FORESTIST 2014; 64: 12-28
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.89844
Read: 1026 Downloads: 498 Published: 23 December 2019

Pedestrian bridges, particularly in the areas of heavy traffic, pedestrians, safety and continuity of paths in the context of engineering structures, in addition to being designed as a solution, the predominant aesthetic aspect be regarded as urban equipment elements. Pedestrian bridges are important elements which should be considered as the image of the city not only for their operational requirements, but also for their being noticeable because of affecting the image and esthetics of the city and being more large-scaled. In this study, seven pedestrian overpasses located in Trabzon city center have been examined in terms of design standards and their effects on city landscape have been presented. Moreover, conclusion and solution proposals to resolve the determined problems have been offered.

To cite this article: Aksu, O.V., 2014. Yaya üst geçitlerinde tasarım ölçütlerinin irdelenmesi: Trabzon kenti örneği. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 64(1): 12-28. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.89844 

EISSN 2602-4039