Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Evalııation of Becay, Oxalic Acid Frodııction and Strength Loss in W ood by the Dry Rot Fungus, Serpııla lacrym ans


İstanbul University, Faculty o f Forestry, Departm ent o f Forest Biology and W ood Protectioıı Technology 34473 Bahcekoy/Istanbul

FORESTIST 2008; 58: 15-28
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.11127
Read: 926 Downloads: 589 Published: 29 December 2019

Serpııla lacıyınans (YVulfeıı:Fr.) S clıroeter, the d ry ro t fungus, is generally accepted as oııe of tlıe m ost ecoııom ically iıııp o rtan t w ood deg rad in g fungi in som e te m p erate regions of the vvorld. T his study evaluated decay capacity of one isolate o f S. lacrym ans at four different vvood species by the tw o different decay tests by using vvood blocks and stakes. Besides nıass Iosses in tlıe specim ens, stren g tlı losses and oxalic acid (OA) pı oduction in wood by tlıe fungus d u rin g decay process vvere also m casured. H igher m ass losses vvere observed in th e wood blocks in soil block tests vvlıen com pared to the stakes in a m odified soil bed tests. Losses in m odulus of ru p tu re (M O R ) in bending vvere nıore distinctive in the stakes th a n m ass losses. Iıı the specim ens subjected to decay tests, tlıere w as a good co rrelatio n betvveen botlı nıass losses and O A p ıo d u ctio n and M O R losses and O A pro d u ctio n . F u rtlıe r studies a re in progress for treated vvood specim ens to u n d erstaııd copper tolerance ability ol'ıS’. lacrym ans to copper-based vvood preservatives.

EISSN 2602-4039