L and use in the B üyük M enderes R iver basin of vvestern T urkey has been changed from ancient civilizations until today and erosion in different intensities has been experienced. E specially right bank (as to flow ) stream s of low er B üyük M enderes R iver basin had caused m ajör torrents until 1970s. In K ayran creek vvatershed, w hich w as chosen as a representative of the right bank, torrent control vvorks started in 1948 and vvas com pleted in 2003. A dm inistrative, technical and biological torrent control vvorks vvere im plem ented in the area. In the context of technical vvorks, classical consolidation dam s vvere used for bed stabilization. R esults shovved that no torrent has been experienced since 1984 and 92.6% o f check dam s vvere constructed until that tim e. W hile forest land increm ent vvas occurred only 1.06% in V Ilh and V II11' land capability classes via slope stabilization vvorks, classical check dam s have prevented bed degradation and stabilized the slopes by supporting toes vvith storing sedim ent.