Original Article

Development planning approach for children with orthopaedic disabilities; example of Eymir Lake (Ankara)


Department of Landscape Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080, Trabzon, Turkey

FORESTIST 2019; 69: 11-21
DOI: 10.26650/forestist.2019.362135
Read: 1302 Downloads: 712 Published: 01 January 2019

The aim of this study is to provide there-planning of Lake Eymir, located in the city of Ankara with the participationof shareholders and children with orthopedic disabilities as the main usergroup. Post-occupancy evaluation was implemented in the research andtechniques, and surveys, observations, and interviews with experts were used.Behavioral maps showing the activities of the subjects were created usinggeographical information systems. People’s rude manners, limited means oftransport, and economic problems prevent children with disabilities fromvisiting open green areas. It is suggested that Lake Eymir and its surroundingsshould be convenient for developing activities for children with disabilities.A convenient and accessible passage should be planned to achieve this.

Cite this paper as: Pouya, S., Demirel, Ö., 2019. Development planning approach for children with orthopaedic disabilities; example of Eymir lake (Ankara). Forestist 69(1): 11-21.

EISSN 2602-4039