Prof. Dr. N ihat Uluocak, head o f departm ent of W atershed M anagem ent, Faculty o f o f Forestry, vvas retired on Sept. 18, 1995 because o f the age lim it for active academ ic life. Prof. Dr. U luocak began his academ ic profession in 1956 with som e intruptions for his assignm ents in other public A dm inistrations and he transferred his practical experience to his academ ic activities. He distinquished him self am ong his colleagues \vith his m odest personality, his ardent defender of A tatürk’s principles, his deep desire of the developm ent of Turkish language. Prof. Dr. U luocak’s nature lover attitude and his cultural and artistic activities vvith his valuable scientific works have alvvays been appreciated and vvith his distinquislıed qualities as a scientist he becam e a good exam ple for young academ icians.