Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Controlled Sliding of Logs Through Plastic Chutes on the Forest Ground


Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, 61080, Trabzon-TURKEY

FORESTIST 2009; 59: -
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.33614
Read: 1024 Downloads: 677 Published: 28 December 2019

In forestry, \vood extractin g activities \vhich İS a m ain stage bet\veen forest lıarvestin g and tran sp ortation activities are v ery exp en sive, d ifficu lt and tim e con su m in g activities. S k id d in g o f Iıeavy and large-d iam eter logs on tlıe ground from stu m p to the road sid e landings is a com p licated p rocess. B esid es, tlıis activity brings up som e en viron m en tal, econ om ic and ergon om ic p rob lem s. In this study, it is su ggested to apply a new system w h ich p rovid es con trolled slid in g o f logs tlırou glı p lastic ch u tes to overcom e these p rob lem s. T his system \vorks b oth by yard in g the Iıeavy logs u phill using a d rum m ed en gin e and by slid in g them doıvnhill w ith con trolled b rake system in plastic or fib erglass ch utes Iocated on forest ground. Suclı a system can be used \vithin 300 m yard in g distan ces by a p ortative drum m ed en gin e m ech an ism or by a dru m m ed forest tractor op eratin g from a roadside. In case o f the necessity, th e yard in g d istan ce o f the system can be in creased by in stallin g ad d ition al con secu tive ch u tes. It is expected som e ad vaııtages from this system w ith resp ect to its econ om ical viab ility, applicab ility, and effîcien cy in forestry activities. F u rtlıerm ore, the system m iglıt decrease d am ages on resid u al trees and seed lin gs, and en su re \v o rk ers’ safety and enable to lıarvest forest p rod u cts in the loggin g sites w h ere in stallation o f m odern lıarvestin g eq u ip m en t is not econ om ically feasib le. Q u ality and q u an tity d am ages to carried logs and en viron m en tal dam ages to forest ecosystem can be m inim ized by using this sem i-m ech an ical system . T his system has also som e op eration al ad van tages by estab lislıin g on any terrain con d ition s, by yard in g u phill and dovvnhill, and by d ecreasin g ıvork accid en ts.

EISSN 2602-4039