In this paper, biography and academ ical activities of Prof.D r.İsm ail T urgay A ykut and his books, articles are presented. Prof.D r.İsm ail T urgay A ykut, the director of the D epartm ent of F orest C onstruction and T ransportation, Faculty of Forestry U niversity of İstanbul, retired on 08,h of F eb ru ary 2005 because of age limit. Prof.D r.A ykut, who was bo rn in 1938. H e has been appointed as an assistant to the Faculty of F orestry U niversity of İstanbul in 1963. He gave exceptional contributions to T urkish F orestry and F orest C onstruction and T ransportation Science and practice during 42 years of his academ ical life and activities. He helped his collegues and co-w orkers and had alvvays been a model scientist for them w ith his studious, veracious and m odest personality. W e wish Prof. D r.T urgay A ykut and his family a happy and healthy life.