Araştırma Makalesi (Research Article)

Cirriculum Vitae of Prof. Dr. Gökhan ELİÇİN


İ.Ü .Orman Fakültesi Orman Botaniği Anabilim Dalı 34473 Bahçeköy/İstanbul

FORESTIST 2009; 59: 1-8
DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.15552
Read: 892 Downloads: 631 Published: 01 January 2009

Prof. Dr. G ökhan E liçin , w as b orn in K ars on Ja n u a ry 11, 1938 and retired from the C h airm an sh ip o f the D ep artm en t o f F o rest Botan y, Facu lty o f Forestry on J a n u a ry 11, 2002 b ecau se o f the age lim it. H e served as an acad em ician about 39 years in the D ep artm en t o f F orest B otan y. H e p u b lish ed b ook s and research p ap ers in the in tern ation al and natioal scien tific jo u rn a ls.

EISSN 2602-4039