Prof. Dr. Y ener G Ö K ER w as born in İstanbul in 1937 and retired on 02.01.2004 due to age lim it. This paper includes his biography, academ ic activities and publications. H e graduated from Forestry of Faculty, İstanbul U niversity in 1960. H e w as accepted as a research assistant to the İ.Ü. Forestry Faculty in 1963. He w as a\varded doctorate degree in 1969, A ssociate Professor in 1975 and Full Professor in 1988. Prof. Dr. Yener G Ö K ER had been in E ngland, N orw ay, Ilolland, Germ any and Austria for som e investigations and to participate the Congrees. H e w orked as a departm ent head of W ood m echanic and Technology departm ent and served as a m em ber o f senate o f İstanbul University, C om m ittee of Forestry Faculty, and A dm inistrative com m ittee of Faculty. H e also served as an assistan for D ean of Forestry Faculty. H e w as kind, m odest, helpfull and justly. I w ish Prof.D r.Y ener G Ö K E R and his fam ily have lıappy and healthy life.